Saturday, October 25, 2008


It was cold earlier in the week and snowed.

Poppy ate some that was on the lawn mower.

Ashley's Birthday

Thursday was Ashley's birthday. Silas and Poppy made the cake while Ashley was working and upon her return home we had cake and presents.Poppy was in charge of " The Frinkles " .

Poppy ate a lot of frosting during the making of the cake. then had a big piece , and then passed out by noon.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ashleys has been...

The whole time we have all been playing in the mud , rocking out , playing soccer and other fun exciting things , Ashley has been baking a lot . Like more than the usual lot. In fact sometimes breaking records. wearing out equipment.Like 2700 donuts in 12 twelve hours.So thats what she has been doing.

Thats 2700 of these

Zappa Plays Zappa at Higher Ground last month

Birthday Present from the Local Musician.Dwezil Zappa touring with his his band plus Ray White.Check out Dwezils' solo at the end of Uncle Remus.Sorry about the head of the guy in front of me.

Quinns Soccer Season ends

Quinns soccer team ended the season with 9 wins. last night was their last game that they won 2-1.Quinn is #23 in the action shots below.

Silas in the mud

Silas spent 2 days at his friend Colins family camp somewhere in the woods. Dirt bikes were ridden, lakes were swam in and a good time was had by all. Thanks to Tim for being the responsible adult throughout.

Monday, October 13, 2008


The colours peaked a day or so ago, it was sunnier and in these pictures I'm driving - still nice though.Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Quinn gets an A + in French

This was a French media project - Energy - Featuring Kevin Nelson and Cody Attwood and Composed and filmed by Quinn Woods.

Friday, October 3, 2008


We did a lot of things this of them was eat lots of corn.Local corn from Ashley's friend " The Frisky Farmer ". Here is Poppy mastering " The PSJ " - Grampa's excellent "bread and butter " corn holding technique.