An evening of extreme rockage.Chris,Josh and I headed to Boston mid afternoon on Saturday and after a wholesome drive down we raged in and around Boston and met up with some friends of Josh's at a groovy bar. Then after we negotiated the T-shirt guys in the parking garage we regrouped our team,compared notes and synchronized our watches. We headed to the Garden with Chris as our laser guided navigator.We were in the balcony and opener YOB rocked us with some doom metal reminiscent of Satans monks on a weekend rampage at the gates of hell - then Tool kicked us down the stairs and stamped on our gizzards. Rock!!!!
Click on the picture for full screen and handy thumbnail scroll thingy.Awesome visuals.Special colours.Creepy one red eye skeleton guy.rock!!!
Poppy's class discussed Martin Luther Kings birthday and the evnts of his life.She planned,shopped and helped cook an excellent feast honouring "King " martin Luther King Jr.
Pork chops,apple suace,rice and brocoli
Chocolate frosting with the initials starting at 6o'clock and going anti-clockwise.