Sunday, April 27, 2008

Long day for Poppy

Poppy didnt take her regular nap today - she climbed out of her crib after 20 minutes,dressed herself, came downstairs and announced she didn't want to sleep. It all caught up with her at dinner time while we were listening to a particularly rocking Tony Iommi album - loudly. Through the metal haze from over by the sink I noticed her slumped forward in her chair her blond food encrusted hair sticking up over the counter.

When she woke up I moved her to the couch - She went back to sleep.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Poppy Douglas Woods !!!!

Moira came over on Tuesday.

Quinn and Moira took care of Poppy.The bikes came out and Poppy did her E.T impression

Its Summer

Its warm and the snow has melted.Poppy chose some suitable footwear and we all went out to play.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Silas' Hip Hop Show

Warren school's artist in residance program .
Si's back there in the tie-dyed shirt.

Poppy heads to school last thursday morning

She found it a little brisk yet bright out and subsequently accessorized herself with the hat and glasses

Later she took a nap in the sun