Mike's Pictures

                  Here is a selection of pictures from Mike's 40 years of world travel - They focus on Natural History, Conservation, Architecture and Family.

                 Below is a list of albums.  in date order from 1968 to 2007. There is a short description of the nature of the trip. They range from Family to Scientific, Group to Solo and animal to vegetable or mineral. Here is a " Best of  " album that is just that.

              Click on the album title and a new window or tab will open in your browser on  Google Photos - Navigate the album in the usual way - left and right arrows within the picture or top right  " 3 dots menu"  for a slide show.  You cannot vary the speed of the slide show but it does have a pause button lower left. Next to the 3 dots menu is an "i" in a circle - this will tell you the location and date of the picture if you are interested. Do not confuse the upload or scan date with the date in the title.

          This page will remain open in its own tab throughout. Multiple albums can be open at once. The links below are green until you have viewed that album - then they go red. The album link can be shared as well as the individual pictures or even this page.

              Comments can be left on the pictures and suggestions or questions emailed to mikewoodspictures@gmail.com

France & Switzerland 1968                                                                                                   
After College, pre marriage European trip with friends.
Scotland 1969                                                                                                 
The first of many trips to Sutherland, Scotland.  Good mountain views

Scotland 1971                                                                                   
Duchally and the river Cassley.

Paris 1971                                                   
Old cars and buildings. Cool shots of Moulin Rouge

Spain 1972
Old buildings

Scotland 1973
The first family trip to Sutherland of many. Apparently I hit my head on a stove at the white house.

Isle of Skye 1974
Big Scottish views and young Matt

Scotland 1975
Epic winter trip to Duchally, Sutherland - Fishing boats at Ullapool and young Jonathan

Scotland 1977
Duchally again - Epic mountain hikes and Argocat adventure, Allie and Steve on this trip, great pictures, dark.

Scotland 1977
Duchally with Doug and Olive Woods.

The Camargue, France 1978
 trip to the south of France with Doug Woods via Mornans ( The inland mountain pics). Great shots of the wild horses and flamingos. Also Mornans farm with goats and barrels of something.

Botswana 1984
Family trip to Chobe National Park, The Kalahari Desert, The Okavango Delta and Victoria Falls.

Leeds - Liverpool Canal 1984
Family canal trip - boats going uphills - crazy stuff

Botswana 1986
Mike and Frankie return to travel with the Cantrelles. Includes the Okavango and some good lizard pictures.

Yellowstone 1988
Black and White shots of the national park.

New Zealand 1989
Sailing trip on one of the worlds oldest working boats (really) as part of a commemorative trip of which this boat was one of many. Great black and Whites.

Zimbabwe 1989
Water safari on the Zambezi river. Excellent  gorge and water fall shots.

Baffin 1990
 A trip to the Arctic including huskies, lichens, human skulls and the footprints of a biped with a 6 foot stride.

India 1990

Australia 1991
Weird Australian animals and birds plus some great views

Guyana 1991
Kaieteur falls, big bugs and the jungle

Morocco 1991
A hike with donkeys across the desert.

Svalbard 1991
Barren. Both in look and content.Cold.

Antarctica 1992
Seals, Penguins and Icebergs !

Botswana 1992
Back in Botswana with elephants and Mike Cantrelle

Tanzania 1992
A trip to the Ngorongoro Crater - one of the best albums here with awesome pics of leopards, water buffalo and vultures. One of Mike's favourite places to visit. This was his first trip here.

Peru 1994
South America for a change.

Nepal 1994
The best and biggest mountain views plus terraced farming and elephant riding.

Namibia 1995
Desert foxes , seals, some of the best leopard and lion shots ever, cave drawings and massive sand dunes. One of the best albums here.

Tanzania 1995
Back to Tanzania. Lions and elephants. Good.

Zimbabwe 1995
Baboons and Elephants. Something with curved horns

Antarctica 1996
Way down there. Icebergs and mountains. Seals and Penguins. Really good penguins.

Finland 1996
Bears, lynx (like thing) and good views. Interesting skulls probably seals.

Newfoundland, Canada 1996
Radio tracking something and the big coat. Snowmobiles.

New Zealand 1996
On the coast and up some mountains. Some good jungle action and some cool looking birds.

Rwanda, Zambia & Zaire 1997
Mountain Gorillas - Epic Stuff. Really great close ups of our ancestors. Also a really good set of a herd of elephants in the mud.

Trinidad and Tobago 1997
Tropical action!

Tanzania 1997
Ngorongoro Crater - Rhino, herds of wildebeast, lions and vultures - really good, Hyenas and an Ostrich. Great stuff

Banff, Canada 1998
Bears !! brown furry bears!

Brazil 1999
Giant Ant Eater and crocodiles hunting as a group. Odd looking crocs. They look smart.

Thailand 1999
East for a change.

Tanzania 2000
Chimps - good chimps  and a pool of dying hippos. Rough stuff - they know of the crunch!. And a camouflaged crocodile.

Canada, Hudson Bay 2001
Polar Bears and Lichen.

Peru 2003
Good birds, mountains and views. Excellent all round.

Isle of Rum 2007
Mikes last trip. Solo to his favourite place.

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