Friday, February 8, 2013

Bugz - The Warren School

The Lady Bugs - Tallulah,McKenna,Fiona and Ellsa 
Gypsy Moth - Scout
The Fireflies - Rowan, Libby and Evelyn. Something was smelly - Josey 
Dragon Fly - Maddie
Caterpillars - Georgia and Francesca and Bumble Bee Poppy
Anabell the Praying Mantis
Jason the Bug MC
Monarch Butterfly Jaia, Pops and Scout 
Pops, Georgia and Scout
Yellowjacket - Skyler
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Friday, February 1, 2013

Homework and a tea party

Poppy's desk was too messy to use for doing homework so she opted for the bean bag on the couch while resting her work on an upturned treasure chest.

After homework it was time for a tea party

Poppy's cup tower

Assorted snowboarding

Silas has spent every spare moment on the mountain