Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Thunder Road - Sunday August 5th

A fine night at Thunder Road in Barre. Scout came with Poppy, Blair and us guys - along with Silas the Woodger Man !!

Lots of pictures here


Sunday, June 17, 2018

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Project Object - The Iron Horse, Northampton MA

Project Object are on the road for a spring tour and Tim, Swiss and I headed down to North Hampton for a night of rocking. Featuring Zappa alumni Napoleon Murphy Brock and Denny Walley it was an epic night. Our positioning was great and because of that the audio is good on the videos. Dave Fiuczynski opened the show with a 3 piece - check out the shots of him and his guitar below followed by the PO shots - Napoleon was awesome both in singing and on the sax and Denny's slide guitar and singing , especially on Tiny lights was the best. Excellent as always to see Andre and the band, they were all sounding and looking fantastic.  Turn up the speakers for the videos.
The Fuze!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Dweezil Zappa - Stowe Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center

An excellent night of rocking with the Mad Dog. We had fantastic seats at the  Stowe Spruce Peak performing arts center. 2 full sets of tunes. There is a picture of the set list .Video recording was not allowed so scroll down for the videos and turn the speakers up. My camera was in my pocket hence the movement and odd framing.

Epic stealth videos!!

I'm the Slime and Muffin Man to end things

Thursday, February 15, 2018

British Invasion - Three Land Rovers pass Camels Hump

On I-89 this evening an epic sighting - an early 80's MOD ( Ministry of Defense) 110, Chaperoning a mid noughties LR4 towing a 110 Ambulance on a trailer - I didn't get a good enough look at the ambulance - Definitely a rare sight - it could be a mid 60's series body. All in the shadow of the mighty Camels Hump. The tunes were good as well  so turn up the speakers and full screen the video for the full " Hump/Land Rover feeling "

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Silas' teeth, heavy metal and late night snow driving

Down to Boston to consult and fund some dental research at a secret lab located at 100 Copeland Drive, Mansfield, MA with Silas. Once that was over we went out for lunch.

We said our goodbyes and I headed to Worcester for a night of heavy metal
Red Fang, Corrosion of Conformity and Black label Society headlining.
Excellent stuff. Serious Stuff. Very Loud

Getting home was exciting - I streamed rocking tunes from the UK and was home and tucked up with ringing ears by 4. Here is some video of Roxbury Mountain.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Dominic’s birthday dinner 

Dominic's Birthday so it was off to Koto for grilled steak, chicken, scallops and shrimp. Someone had salmon I swear I saw a lobster. !!! It was full on .He's not actually in any of the pictures - there were big crowds and it was tough to get near him - security was tight. Here are some pictures of some of the other people though and it was rumored that he had the steak - the side of which can be seen in the picture. Check out the videos for the action.

High Speed Grill Action

Slow Mo Grill Action