Friday, March 5, 2010

Silas breaks his arm

The winter shredding on the mountain came to an end for Silas this week - he broke his arm over the weekend. At the hospital they tried with a local anesthetic to reset it but they were unable to stop the growth plate shifting out of position. Bein' young with a whole bunch more growin' ahead of him it was decided that the growth plate needed to be reset perfectly so we returned to the hospital yesterday for a some pins and a new cast. Silas was as rugged as could be and by 12.30 he was out of the anesthetic, dressed and heading for home with a purple cast.

The nurses were really friendly... They even had a girraff with no neck

After a some prep we went into the operating room - where we met the anesthesiologist.She was very a very cool lady.

Here's Silas chatting to her right before he nodded off..

An interesting side note.. Silas' nurse on his first visit was a young man who had lost his foot to cancer - and then broke his arm skateboarding.While he had the broken arm ( and now also missing a foot) he went longboarding ( a bigger faster skateboard ) and was hit by a bus - he broke the other arm AND lost the rest of the leg!!! He now has 4 special prosthetic legs for different activities - including a snowboarding leg with built in compression shocks and a climbing leg that had extend-able parts.

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