Saturday, November 4, 2023

UK 2023

An excellent trip to the UK - Blaire  along for the ride - we took in the South East of England to see Glyn and Liz, Granville and Julie and our top friend Alan , then up to the south west of Scotland to see Billy and Anna and Cousin Johnny and his wife Wendy !  We took  in some golf on Ashley's Birthday. Check out the videos! After that it was up to the North West of Scotland to an epic spot in the Highlands  were there was fishing and tea and pies and  mountains . Evidence of such is in the pictures. Then we headed south to see cousin Elspeth in central Scotland and on to Edinburgh for the night - and to London the next day. The link below is to an album of pictures taken by all 3 of us  and below that a link to  some videos. The ocean at Felixstowe, great footage on the Queensferry Bridge, Dash cam from the Highlands, Birthday golf  (with music)  and baggage handling plus take off from Heathrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! WOW!!!! I am completely blown away by Matt's photography. Superb.
It is even a good pic of me. I recognise almost all the places, and am 95% sure me and the parents stayed in one of the cottages shown near Lochinver and Suilven. Some of the people I do not recognise, but did, with shock, know Billy and Anna. And were you any good at the golf?
Thank you, thank you.