Monday, October 25, 2010

Ashleys Birthday and our Anniversary Weekend

We went to Montreal for a day over the weekend to celebrate Ashley's birthday and our wedding anniversary.We stayed in Old Montreal.

This was in St.Pauls Pub. Check out the giant guitar on the ceiling.

From L - R , Elvis, Jimi, Mick and Keith,Janis, John , Brian , Bob ,Jimmy and Percy and Slash.Whoever invited the snake guy needs to explain himself and I think Slash was probably working the door and just sat down for a minute because the weight of his silly hat was taking its toll on his back.

We went outside and there was an older Elvis giving away beads. He and Ash posed.

We went to an Imax movie at the Science Museum. It was a 3D movie about the Hubble Telescope - I put the glasses in front of the camera at 4 seconds


AmyYavitz said...

Happy Birthday Ashley! That 3-D Glasses trick actually kind of works. Montreal looks like it was fun. Catch up with you guys soon. J

AmyYavitz said...

Happy Birthday Ashley! That 3-D Glasses trick actually kind of works. Montreal looks like it was fun. Catch up with you guys soon. J