Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Project Object At the Infinity Hall in Norfolk CT

 Jonny V and myself took a pleasant drive south on Friday to see Project Object in Norfolk CT.Snow and leaves on the way down and then some guiness and some serious rocking.

We got there in time for the sound check and set up the stool.The meek shall inherit nothing sounding great and very relevant.Ike looked really comfortable.

Watch more video of the show here  -  Ike Willis center stage,aided and abetted by Ray White ,Andre Chomondeley ,Dave Johnson,Eric Svelgaurd and Ryan not Seacrest it was an awesome show. Its a bit fuzzy but the audio is excellent and it includes such classics as "Nine nine nine" "City of Tiny Lights" Carolina Hardcore Ecstasy " and "Florentine Pogen". Its a Youtube playlist so use the "next track" button thats beside the play and volume.Turn it up and better still plug into a real stereo.

Ray " not as comfortable as Ike " White 

After the show we loaded the van, found a slightly fascist bear.took pictures and headed home.All tucked in by 6AM.

Me and Ray White

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