Thursday, October 29, 2009

Poppy on the job site

Poppy marks off a few cuts and generally gets it done.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tired Poppy

The action packed day took its toll. Poppy yelled " someone get me a blanket" five times from grannys room and was ignored. She went to get it herself and didnt make it past the last step.

Silas Drives

We took the jeep out in the field this weekend to drag around some big logs. Silas mastered the clutch and the Jeep as a whole and by the end of the afternoon was giving rides to both Ashley and Quinn. They both screamed. Here he can be seen without any passengers.

Silas Drives - backwards pulling a log


Saturday, October 10, 2009


Colours have been great.Here looking north up the Valley and down at the Warren School.

And in our garden.

Bed Time for Poppy

Not content with 5 bedtime stories Poppy now reads to herself and then sleeps under an open book.Presumably literary osmosis is happening.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ashley is very busy

Ash is busy these days making cakes,working at the shoppe,and WASPing.Here she is on her way out the door.

In preparation for this years gingerbread competition she attended a Gingerbread Workshop at King Arthur Flour led by Roland Mesnier the White House Pastry chef for 20 years.Super secret tips and tricks were divulged including the use of a band saw for cutting the gingerbread and a layer of chocolate on the back of the sheets for strength.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Red Sox at Fenway

Thursday night we went to Fenway for one of the Red Sox' last home games of the season. Silas' friend Caleb joined us and during the sing along of " Sweet Caroline " by Neil Diamond they and us spent a few seconds on the big screen.

Our seats were right in between home and first giving us an excellent view.

the game was against the Cleveland Indians - who they beat 3-0.Nearly all our favourities played including.....

Dustin Pedroia

Jason Bay

Big Poppy


The Pitchers were...

John Lester,Daniel Bard and finishing up with Jonathan Papalbon

Throw it really fast

Papalbons mean look

Other interesting moments included ...

Big Poppy...

Angry Poppy....

Sad Poppy....


Woodger Man....

Silas and Caleb up front....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Soccer Season

Quinn's team are having a great season - she has played in goal as well as on the field.Check out this goal saving action.