Friday, October 2, 2009

Red Sox at Fenway

Thursday night we went to Fenway for one of the Red Sox' last home games of the season. Silas' friend Caleb joined us and during the sing along of " Sweet Caroline " by Neil Diamond they and us spent a few seconds on the big screen.

Our seats were right in between home and first giving us an excellent view.

the game was against the Cleveland Indians - who they beat 3-0.Nearly all our favourities played including.....

Dustin Pedroia

Jason Bay

Big Poppy


The Pitchers were...

John Lester,Daniel Bard and finishing up with Jonathan Papalbon

Throw it really fast

Papalbons mean look

Other interesting moments included ...

Big Poppy...

Angry Poppy....

Sad Poppy....


Woodger Man....

Silas and Caleb up front....

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